Monday, November 24, 2008

Sleep and Silk

Well Sunday was quiet, I spent the day doing much of nothing. I decided to sleep in and after breakfast I made my way to the pool. The pool is located on the sixth floor of the hotel, the main problem is the you only have so much sun time because the hotel is situated between two high-rise buildings.

Basically Sunday went as follows, breakfast, pool, shower, lunch, a little walking, dinner and sleep.

Today however was a little different, although I managed to sleep through breakfast because I ended up staying up too late and watching "Saving Private Ryan." Once I was up and running I made my way to get lunch and figure out how I was going to spend my day.

Here is the problem with Bangkok, many of the tourist areas, for example the National Museum are closed on Mondays, so you are somewhat limited as to what you can do.

I went to the lobby to talk to one of the concierges' I have made friends with, he is probably one of the most knowledgeable people I have talked to about Bangkok. He suggested that I go to the Jim Thompson House. This guy is on point, another fantastic suggestion. I will spare you all the details of Jim Thompson but click the link if you are interested on learning about him.

The short story on the Jim Thompson is that he helped revitalize Thailand's silk industry and built this house to reside in, which he did for about six years and then disappeared, never to be heard from again.

The house was amazing and was filled with statues, which some date back as early as the 12th century. I will post some pictures when I get a chance.

Before we started the tour they collected our backpacks, which now just dawned on me as to why, it was to prevent knocking over any pieces in the house by accident. We also had to take off our shoes, this is because Thai's usually eat on floor.

Another interesting fact I took away from the tour is the reason why all Buddha Statues have long ears. The Thai's believe that long or big ears mean you will have a long life. Also, if you have a long back it means that you are lazy and like to sleep all day.

After going on the tour and taking pictures I made my way back to the hotel to get my gear and go train.

Training was grueling today, I think partially because it was warmer than usual. I did six rounds of pad work and around 12 rounds of shadow boxing and bag work. Not to mention 10 minutes of jumping rope and 200 sit-ups. Needless to say I am sore as a MF.

Well I am off to get some dinner.

Its been real, its been fun, but it hasn't been real fun. Out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you seen any of the protests? With as much writing as you're doing you should get a press pass to cover this stuff... Hopefully it won't turn out like the protests in Burma earlier this year.